AW Ch 66 'Yeoman Trading'/'Homecoming'
Sorry but I cannot post pix here again for some unknown reason. Use the above link to find this pix in my albums at anime-a-holics. Hopefully blogger will fix this thing soon. Later- K&K
That teacher up there is Kumiko 'YamKumi' Ooedo the 'ojou' or princess of the Ooedo Yakuzza Clan of ancient Terran Japan and those are her students from Shirokin HS. Only Fuji her inu (doggie) pug-nosed bulldog in his matching red/white tracksuit is with the Gokusen or 'gangster teacher' aboard the 'LA2'- no students came with her.
AW Ch 66 'Yeoman Trading'/'Homecoming'
This is what the graphic novel Angels look like with Mugghi. Gad! I think they all look like wimps, don't you gang?
AW Ch 66
Wow!Mar's been injured and now that worst of all combat weapons is almost in Zorin's cronies' hands- Gundams! Almost as terrifying as the 'God Guns' or the Angels' new toy- the r-- whoops! I almost let the neko outta the sack folks! This chapter will put two close tomos at loggerheads with each other and nai it ain't Vacuumhead and Firebrand either! Some old tomos returned and the Boss decides to head for Onsokamaru! Who's in sick bay and how did she end up there? Why is Yuri Donovan furious? Who are the newbies? Did the truckers succeed?
DISCLAIMER: OK Coop darlin’, it’s all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let’s get to Ch 65 without any further meandering, shall we? Why is Zack Zero back and oro does he want with Suba Marina Oki? Can Mandy keep her big mouth shut? A hint re the titles- Aw do ya expect me to spoil it for ya? Oro does this all mean? We’ll find out momentarily gang. The Boss Red Marshall’s on the warpath again! Here ’tis:-
'Yeoman Trading' or 'Homecoming'
YamKumi was a bit tentative as she tapped the Boss on the shoulder. Ojou was very upset whenever she had to deliver potentially bad news especially to Kei O'Halloran!
"Boss? Excuse me ma'am but Captain Zach said he'd be over to visit a little later tonight." she ventured timidly. Kei came to a screeching halt and grabbed Ojou's arm.
"Oro (What) the Sam Hell did you just say, YamKumi?" yelled the redhead who was shaking the Yakuzza heiress back and forth.
"Zach said he's coming over to see you tonight around one I mean 0100 hours, Boss." said Ojou.
"Dammit! Oro (What) the FXXX does he want I wonder? He bringing 'Greenie' with him? You know Saiya St John? His yeoman?" asked Kei.
"Yeah. Why?" asked YamKumi suspiciously.
"He wants to make a trade, kid. Our own lil Suba(Subaltern) Marina Oki used to be his exec. Now he's got this Eloisian girl- an Ensign. He wants to swap yeomen with me I'll bet. Saiya for Marina. That's gotta be it." growled the redhead. Kome's aizu (eyes) went wide.
"You gonna just let her go, Boss? She's been a damned good yeoman for us ya know!" said the strawberry blonde teen. Kei shrugged.
"It's up to her. If she wants to go I won't stand in her way. (Kei grinned) Wonder if Saiya knows the score though? Diplomacy ain't one of Zachie's strong suits." she chuckled merrily.
"Look who's talking about diplomacy." said YamKumi to Kome a little too loudly.
"You say something Ojou?" asked Kei.
"Me? No, I just asked Kome if she's ever met Mr Zero before is all." replied the heiress hurriedly.
"Dunno. I think she did, kid. I don't think you've ever had the pleasure or your doggie there." said Kei nonchalantly. The 'doggie' was Ojou's and as usual he was wearing his red/white tracksuit. Fuji was a pug-nosed bulldog and quite a fighter to boot. Devoted to Kumiko Ooedo his mistress who was heiress apparent to one of the most powerful Yakuzza Clans in ancient Terran Japan he waddled dutifully beside YamKumi wherever the 'ojou' or princess was wont to go. Suddenly Kome recalled something.
"Hey Yammie! Wasn't that back around the time you had to go back home (Shimougou) and visit with your ancestours or something? So you never did meet Zachie boy." said the strawberry blonde teen.
"Yeah only it was her descendants Kome. Don't worry. You'll meet him tonight, kid." said Kei and she spun on her heel and headed for her quarters.
"Hurry up Boss. Your boyfriend'll be her real soon." chortled Kome. Kei gave her an icy glare but said nothing. Meanwhile aboard the 'Liberator' several storm clouds were brewing.
"But sir! I really like working here on the 'Lib' as your yeoman. I just don't understand, Captain. Has my work not been satisfactory? Have I displeased you in some way, sir? Why don't you want me anymore?" sobbed Saiya St John.
"It ain' that Honey. It's just that I've got a chance to get Marina back. Only Reds won't give her up without a fight- unless she gets something in exchange for her. That's where you come in, my dear Saiya. Believe me Saiya. If there was any other possible way that--" soothed Zach Zero. Suddenly the Eloisian girl's tears were replaced by flashing angry golden orbs.
"So I'm the 'Kewpie doll'? The damned 'booby prize'? You'd rather have Oki back that much that you'd trade me for her? Fine! I am sick and tired of this scrap heap junkyard of yours anyhow! I quit!!" yelled the green-haired Eloisian and she stormed off the bridge. The tears were back now- with a vengeance.
Zach grabbed the arm of a passing space tech engineer.
"Gina! Tell Saiya that I want her in dress blacks and ready to leave by 0030 hours (half an hour past midnight) and tell her I will not accept her resignation, not yet anyway. Dress blacks for you as well. I'm taking both of you to the 'Angel 2' with me later tonight and that's an order, Ensign. Understood?" ordered Zero. Gina shook off his hand.
"Aye sir." replied Ensign First Class Regina Langley Phillips. Gina was a graduate of 'Earth 2 Academy' where she had finished third in her class of 16,000 cadets. She'd been mentored and trained by a feisty blonde bombshell (Ah ah- that would be telling) who had been a famous 'Blues' fighter on Terra. Gina was a fully qualified space tech and worked as an assistant engineer aboard the 'Liberator'. Phila was also a fully licensed pilot, navigator, gunner, comm relay operator, scanner, demolitions expert and medic. Had Saiya not already been Zero's yeoman she was fully trained and qualified in that capacity too.
Gina was shorter than most of the female staff aboard being a mere 5'5" in height but she had a trim lithe figure and was a crack shot with a laser gun as well as with any other weapon you might care to name. A black belt in both karate and jeet-kun-do she was very accomplished in the forbidden arts known as hakuto shin ken or killing with a touch. Gina could hit you with an autohypo like lightning and got along very well with most of her shipmates and superiors.
Gina shared a suite with Saiya fulltime and temporarily with most of the female cosmic leaders and their staffs. This number included Mrs Leia Skywalker Organa Solo. When Gina got to her quarters Saiya was being consoled by Leia, 'Dragon Lady' Janeway and half a dozen other female cosmic leaders and junior officers. 'Greenie' had been bawling nonstop ever since she had rushed in and begun packing up her duffle bags with her belongings. Gina felt lousy right down to the pit of her guts but she had been given a direct order by a superior officer dammit! She squared her shoulders, knocked loudly and walked into Saiya's small bedroom.
"The Captain chooses not to accept your resignation at this time, Saiya. Furthermore you and I have both been ordered to accompany him later this evening when he visits Marshall O'Halloran aboard the 'Angel 2' therefore we must report to the 'Freelander' by 0030 hours in our dress blacks. (Gina glanced at her wristchromo) It's almost 2340 hours (11:40 PM) so we've less than an hour. Stop blubbering and get changed, Saiya. I'll meet you in the living room in a half hour. Understand?" said Gina.
"Uh huh." sniffled the Eloisian girl and Gina strode next door to the room she was sharing with Julia Jean Servalan, the Supreme Commander of the 'Ligurian Federation'. She slammed the door behind her and Julia Servalan looked up from her holovid novel. She was an ash blonde whose hair was almost silvery white. Despite this she looked little older than Gina although truth be told she was more than three score and ten. As usual Servie was wearing a daring shortie kimono of blazing crimson over a pair of sheer pink pajamas.
"You're going to bed already, Servie? It's not even midnight." said Gina, kicking off her boots and unzipping her flight suit. She stepped out of the coveralls and yanked on her dress black shirt. At six and a half feet Servie towered over her roommie.
"Man trouble, Phil?" she asked sympathetically.
"Yeah! And his name's Zacharias Taylor Zero dammit!" sulked the angry young Ensign. She cinched her tie so savagely her throat turned red. Servie adjusted her tie and sat down on the bunk.
"Zachie wants his old flame bac aboard but she's a Sub(Subaltern) in the 3WA. However, Lover Boy thinks she really wants to come back home even thoguh it'll mean dropping back two ranks to do it. She's travelling aboard the 'Angel 2' and he plans on asking her to come back tonight. Now he figures the Marshall won't just hand her over to him so he's bringing her a peace offering inexchange- 'Greenie'! I guess I'm to be the guardian chaperone or something. Problem is he never considered 'Greenie's feelings for a moment. Hell he never even asked her first! Nope! He just up and told her about the swap and that was that! I though sure slavery was abolished way back in 2011 at those 'Thrushyn-Tyling' conferences? Zach Zero is a callous cruel heartless Chauvinist pig!" ylled Gina while Servie helped her into her black blazer. Gina zipped it up tight and allowed Servalan to buckle on her weapons sash and adjust the strap.
"It's just not fair, Servie!" cried Gina while she was pulling on her highly polished jackboots. She leaped to her feet and faced Servalan- head to chin.
"Well how about it? Do I pass muster, Servie?" grinned Gina.
"Sure. After you put your pants on that is." giggled the taller woman. Gina smiled and climbed into her dress black trousers. She tugged on her gauntlets, squared her saucer cap atop her orange locks and slung her dark greatcoat around her slim shoulders. Gina looked like a pretty fair imitation of an ancient Terran 'SS' officer. She bid adieu to Servie and left.
"You be back home before morning, young lady." chortled Servie.
"Yes, Mother. I will." called Gina. Servalan sighed and keyed up the holovid novel she'd been reading.
"C'mon 'Greenie' or we're gonna be late dammit!" yelled Gina who was pounding out a brisk tattoo on Saiya's door. Her roommie's icy green hair contrasted horribly with the severe black uniform. 'Greenie' had washed her face but her aizu (eyes) were still red from crying. Since her orbs were golden in colour the effect was like pink-eye!
"Don't forget your purse, Honey." said Leia and she placed the bag's shoulder strap over Saiya's head and then underneath her arm. Sheila Reese was Rafe Donnelly's yeoman and she was a striking brunette in her well formed pink chemise slip.
"Don't leave home without these babies or you'll get the riot act read to you by you know who." she said and slid a Mark VIII laser pistol into each girl's side holster.
"Where's your bag, Phil?" asked Saiya.
"Never carried one, Saiya. Put this on." replied Gina and she wrapped Saiya in a white ankle length cloak.
"My goodness! Even our 'Starfleet' dress greys aren't that damned sombre!" observed the 'Dragon Lady' who was playing chess with Queen Esther of 'Lycanthos'. Esther was winning.
"Tell me about it, mum." replied Gina and she waved goodbye while she steered Saiya out the door, down the hall and into the lift. They got to the 'Freelander' with just moments to spare.
Zach Zero apologized profusely almost all the way over to the Marshall's ship. Kei had chosen to receive her guests in one of the small conference rooms on Level Five. In fact it was the same one where InuYasha's gang had bunked that first night aboard so long ago.
While Zach, Gina and Saiya looked like they had just stepped out of a bandbox Kei, Yuri, Kome and YamKumi looked like they had just crawled out from underneath one!
After the introductions had been completed a solitary figure arose from the shadows and stepped forward into the light.
END of Ch 66. Ch 67 'Both Yeomen Come Home' or 'Gina Gets the Royal Treatment' soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine’s gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter’s titles. Let me know if I got ‘em right eh? Don't our guys and gals play some cool practical jokes on each other? All in good-natured fun of course!
Hope ya had a happy and safe Guy Fawkes' Day! Happy Thanksgiving. Dunno if the Japanese even celebrate it but Naruto does.
A belated happy birthday to our fearless leader- Classic Kei who will be born 27 Nov AD 2121.
Meri Kurasumasu to all of my tomodachis and may Kami bless you this holiday season. Akeome to everyone and here's to a super 2010 my dear friends of anime.
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
See ya next blog post. Toodles-K&K
This chapter brings me up to date. Then I have to wind up this one and think about my next one folks- K&K
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