This is what the graphic novel Angels look like with Mugghi. Gad! I think they all look like wimps, don't you gang?
AW Ch 64 'Into the Void?'/'Going My Way?'
posted 3 minutes ago, updated 3 minutes later
This is what the graphic novel Angels look like with Mugghi. Gad! I think they all look like wimps, don't you gang?
AW Ch 64
Wow!Mar's been injured and now that worst of all combat weapons is almost in Zorin's cronies' hands- Gundams! Almost as terrifying as the 'God Guns' or the Angels' new toy- the r-- whoops! I almost let the neko outta the sack folks! This chapter will put two close tomos at loggerheads with each other and nai it ain't Vacuumhead and Firebrand either! Some old tomos returned and the Boss decides to head for Onsokamaru! Who's in sick bay and how did she end up there? Why is Yuri Donovan furious? Who are the newbies? Did the truckers succeed?
DISCLAIMER: OK Ellen darlin’, it’s all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let’s get to Ch 64 without any further meandering, shall we? Why is Zack Zero back and oro does he want with Suba Marina Oki? Can Mandy keep her big mouth shut? A hint re the titles- Aw do ya expect me to spoil it for ya? Oro does this all mean? We’ll find out momentarily gang. The Boss Red Marshall’s on the warpath again! Here ’tis:-
'Into the Void?' or 'Going My Way?'
Zach Zero and Saiya St John were still staring at a blank scanner vidscreen where just a few seconds ago the 'Angel 2' had been in all its glory!
"Did they go 'hyperspace' maybe, Zach?" suggested the svelte green-haired Eloisian yeoman but Zach shook his head slowly.
"If she had we'd still have 'em on scanner vidscreen, kid. Unless-- Oh my Christ! No! She wouldn't have done taht, would she?" yelped a suddenly very worried Zach Zero.
"Unless oro (what), Zach?" she asked perplexedly.
"Unless she used the 'Daedalus Nebulae', poppet." he replied grimly.
"Huh? Not even the Boss would do anything that baka (crazy) or would she? I wonder. Still if anyone could pull it off it would be our Dierdre. That just must be oro (what) she did, Cap." said Saiya.
"That leaves us with no other choice, does it?" replied her skipper.
"We're not following her in there, are we, Zachie?" cried an astonished yeoman.
"Oro (What) other option have we got? Our orders are quite specific. We are to follow them and lend them our support when they finally engage (Count) Dooku or (Grand Admiral) Thrawn or both of 'em. Stand by for a course change. New course heading is 340 SSE. Mark. Entering the nebulae in 3, 2, 1, Mark. Activating 'George' now. From this point on until we exit this cloud we will have no comm relays nor navigational readouts. Better tell the crew and our passengers they can't phone home on their vidcell units, kiddo. By this same time ashita ban (tomorrow night) we'll either have reached 'Stegoros' or we'll be hopelessly lost. The redhead always trusts to her Gaelic luck and dammit so do I. It ain't failed her yet, poppet. It's late so go get some sleep. Oh yeah, do me a favour first and check in on Uncles Charlie, Andy, Don and Anton for me. G'Night, kid." said Zach, both of his aizu (eyes) glued to his scanner vidscreens.
"Sure, Zachie. You know those things don't work, right? (He nodded and waved her away) Nighty night." she replied and left on her errand.
Although nobody aboard the 'Angel 2' was aware of it the four 3WA chiefs were amonst the 'Liberator's handfull of passengers. In addition he had three 'Starfleet' admirals and representatives from the 'UG' and the 'Alliance'. One of the ladies aboard was Han Solo's wife, Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, leader of the Republic of Kurestan.
After peeping in on the chiefs as ordered the Eloisian girl saw that the 'G Boys' were already in Dreamland so she rode the lift down to her own cramped quarters. She was sharing them with Leia, the 'Dragon Queen of Starfleet Command' aka Admiral Katherine Janeway and two of her Flight Lieutenants- Alison Hayes and Esther Huntley who were the Dragon's adjutants.
Saiya very quietly prepared for bed and climbed up into her bunk above Leia. Al stirred in her sleep and rolled over. Almost before her head hit the pillows Saiya was asleep.
Meanwhile Zach strained his orbs in a vain attempt to penetrate the thick misty fog of the nebulae. Soon he too gave in and fell asleep across his console. He was snoring quite heavily when Rangiku Matsumoto came onto the bridge at 0600 (6 AM). The soul reaper lieutenant was wearing a 'Galactic Command' sapper's (like a PFC in the Terran US Army) uniform. She had been pressed into service after she was loaned (along with her 10th Squad captain Toshiro Hitsugaya) by Head Captain Yamamoto of the Soul Society's Sertai to the 'GC'. She swore under her breath. Ichigo and Rukia had really lucked out. Both of them were aboard the 'Angel 2' but she and Toshie had been ordered to report to the 'Liberator'. She swore again. As soon as Toshie had opened his big mouth and told Zero's exec that she (Rangiku) could operate a skysled the skipper had immediately appointed her to be a co-pilot. That was why she was up before the four suns had risen while little Toshie was still dreaming sweet dreams without care.
Rangiku smiled. For this mission the little guy was her equal rather than her superior. No wait. She was a sapper and he was a sapper 2C, a lower rank than she so technically she was his boss. Then she remembered oro (what) she was doing here. She was here to relieve the skipper for the dayshift. Gently she shook Zach's shoulder.
"Awaken sweet prince. I'm here now, Skipper." she said and gave his shoulders another shake. Slowly his aizu (eyes) opened and he yawned a bit.
"Glory be! Am I in Heaven then, me lovely? And are you an angel?" said a bleary-aizued (eyed) Zach Zero.
"No such luck, sir. Sapper Matsumoto and I am here to relieve you, sir. (She saluted and Zach waved her to a seat) Anything important happen last night?" replied the redhead.
"Not too much, darlin'. We're on 'George' until we get outta this 'Daedalus Nebulae' tomorrow night so don't touch anything on the consoles. If we veer offcourse by even a fraction of a kilo we'll be in deep crap. (Rangiku stared at Zero like he was baka) Reds is taking a shortcut so we were forced to follow her into this void. You knew we were following the 'Lovely Angel 2', didn't you, Rangi? (The svelte redhead nodded and sat down) Oh that's right. Two of your pals are aboard her, aren' they?" observed a yawning Zach Zero. Again she nodded and put her feet up on the console.
"Yeah. Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kutschski, the lucky bastards. Hey Cap? How come I got demoted? I am a Lieutenant First Class in Squad 10 of the Soul Society you know." she replied angrily. He shook his head.
"It ain't my fault, sweetheart. Too many Looeys aboard already. The 'GC' only allows two sub-ensign officers and I've already got a dozen ensigns so I demosted you and that shorty kid that came with you. (The 'short kid' was Rangiku's captain Toshiro Hitsugaya) Nothing personal, Rangi. See you later, kiddo." said Zach and he left for his own cabin. Next morning aboard the 'Angel' brought some excitement.
'WOOHP' spygirl Alex was on scanning detail and wasted no time in trilling Han Solo when she spotted it- a strange blip on the scanners' vidscreens.
"Captain Solo? Ensign Alex here, sir. There seems toi be someone following us, sir. Could you come and take a look, sir? Thanks you." she trilled.
"Oro (What) did that kid just say, Solo?" queried Gene Starwind.
"Al says we got company, old pal. I'd better go and take a look. Be rigth back." drawled Solo and he ambled next door top the nav room. After one glance at Alex's vidscreens he chuckled.
"Nothing to worry about there, love. That's just our 'GC' escort. It's Zach Zero's 'Liberator'. He must have followed us into the nebulae, kid. (Alex grabbed a vid mike) Don't hail him, Al. We gotta maintain comm relay silence and relays won't work inside 'Daedalus' anyway. Watch him and keep us posted, Al." drawled Han Solo who had absolutely no idea that his 'better half' was cruising along less than 200 K kilos behind them.
Kouga and Jimbo Hawking had not the slighest inkling of why they were all of a sudden scrubbing pots and pans in the galleys.
Nyssa had awakened in sick bay with a pounding headache and not a clue as to oro (what) the Hell had happened to her. All the young Trakken maiden recalled was sitting beside Mr Drew inside the 'Matterhorn' downstairs in the docking bays. 'StunGun' Millie Thompson came in, took another tricorder eading and handed Nyssa a grey 'Hydroxylein' capsule. Nyssa dutifully swallowed it with the flask of water the big girl handed her. Millie wished her well and reported to her job in Engineering. Actually Millie was an assistant space tech on the 'Nova Hellsing' under Junpei's jurisdiction but when the 'Nova H' was not in use she was used as an oiler on the main ship under Chief Engineer 'Dynamo' the huge Triceraton dinosaur.
A few short hours later Nyssa reported for duty on the bridge. Yuri promptly ordered her back to her quarters with th command to rest there until the mammoth ship docked on 'Remus'. Meanwhile aboard their rendezvous ship the 'Shalimar' Commander Alan Gabriel was frowning. He had just tried to reach the 'LA2' several times to no avail whatsoever. Even his vidcell unit was not responding.
"They are inside 'Daedalus', Commander Alan, sir. That is why we can neither comm relay nor vidcell call them." explained the sombre looking kid in a maid's black uniform. Alan was startled.
"How do you know that, poppet?" he asked.
"Don't ask, Al. Even I ain't been able to figure that one out." answered Roger Smith.
"If they're travelling through 'that thing' they've got a 30 to 70 chance of getting here anytime soon." observed a striking blonde beuty who was calling herself 'Angela Sullivan' for this mission.
"Why? Oro (What) the dickens are you talking about, Miss Sullivan?" demanded a fuming Gabriel.
"The nebulae fluctuates and spins its way across the great cosmos of space, sir. That means a traveller has no guarantee of exiting it where he expects to, sir. If all goes well with any kind of luck as Roger calls it they will reach 'Stegoros' sometime this evening and arrive here tomorrow evening around 2200 hours, that is ten o'clock, sir." explained Dorothy Wainwright. Dorothy was neither girl nor maid. Instead she was a state-of-the-arts robotic android and the alternative power source for Roger Smith's 'BGR' known as 'Big O'.
"Is she ever wrong, Smith?" demanded Alan tightly.
"Not that I ever heard, Commander." replied Angela (Angel) Sullivan.
"Whatever became of that old fool Norman, Smith?" asked Alan. Roger chuckled and lit a cigarette. He offered one to Angela who took it and accepted his light. Alan was smoking a dark stogie already. Dorothy had no vices and of course did not smoke.
"He refused to leave the mansion unprotected, Alan. Actually I think the real reason he begged off accompanying us is that he gets airsick. Besides with our Dorothy along with us he wasn't really necessary. Why'd you tag along with us, Angel?" replied Roger Smith. Alan blew a smoke ring.
"Yes, my dear child. Exactly why are you here?" he asked pointedly.
"I have my own mission and it's top secret, sirs." answered the blonde, stubbing out her cigarette and lighting another.
Not counting Dorothy it seemed that not a single person aboard the 'Shalimar' was wearing any kind of uniform. Belowdecks and taking up most of the docking bays' floor space was the aforementione d'Big O', a monstrous behemoth megadeuce robot looking for all the Universes like that wooden Indian 'Kaw-Liga' from the ancient Terran song. This was the sixth of the 'BGR's or 'big giant robots' the other five being the four 'Gundams' aboard the 'Angel 2' and 'MEGAS' which hailed from Terra's far distant future. And while we are speaking of 'MEGAS' not so far away on an asteroid little bigger than a tiny moon three people were standing around 'MEGAS' itself. Two of them were arguing violently with each other. The third was quietly watching the skies above the asteroid.
"Dammit Coop! I told you to fill up on Mars! Now how the bloody Hell are we supposed to get to 'Romulus'?" yelled a very angry red-headed female pilot.
"Sorry Kiva! (Not the same one that commands the 'Coriander' of course. This is another Kiva) My bad, man! Hey! I got it. Can't you just make us some fuel for the big dude?" asked a tall gangling blonde guy who resembled a football linebacker gone to pot. (The old meaning for 'pot' as in 'pot-bellied' or 'beer gut').
"Why don't we just hitchhike, guys?" bubbled a brown-haired girl attired in an old-fashioned maid's uniform complete with cap and gloves. Kiva frowned and pointed at the girl.
"And why I 'ever' let you talk me into picking her ass up is beyond me, Coop!" grumbled Kiva who was sitting on a rock. Suddenly the blonde guy snapped his fingers.
"Hey Kurumi! (The maid gave him a bright smile) Can we borrow some of your motor oil, Honey? Then Kiva can refine it into fuel for 'MEGAS'. OK?" asked Coop and Kurumi the Steel Angel nodded emphatically.
"Sure, Mr Coop, sir." she said and began yanking off her dress. Kiva jumped up quickly.
"Kurumi! You put that right back on dammit! Coop! We can't use her oil. Oro (What) could I mix it with anyway?" said Kiva. "Kurumi honey we can't hitchhi--" she added, breaking off when she spotted a huge ship circling overhead!
END of Ch 64. Ch 65 'Make Room For MEGAS' or 'Mind Search' soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine’s gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter’s titles. Let me know if I got ‘em right eh? Don't our guys and gals play some cool practical jokes on each other? All in good-natured fun of course!
Hope ya had a happy and safe Guy Fawkes' Day! Happy Thanksgiving. Dunno if the Japanese even celebrate it but Naruto does.
A belated happy birthday to our fearless leader- Classic Kei who will be born 27 Nov AD 2121.
Meri Kurasumasu to all of my tomodachis and may Kami bless you this holiday season.
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
See ya next blog post. Toodles-K&K
This chapter brings me up to date. Then I have to wind up this one and think about my next one folks- K&K
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