AW Ch 59 'Monsters On the Angel?' or 'RAVEing Lunatics?'
Wow!Mar's been injured and now that worst of all combat weapons is almost in Zorin's cronies' hands- Gundams! Almost as terrifying as the 'God Guns' or the Angels' new toy- the r-- whoops! I almost let the neko outta the sack folks! This chapter will put two close tomos at loggerheads with each other and nai it ain't Vacuumhead and Firebrand either! Some old tomos returned and the Boss decides to head for Onsokamaru! Who's in sick bay and how did she end up there? Why is Yuri Donovan furious? Who are the newbies? Did the truckers succeed?
DISCLAIMER: OK Pluu darlin’, it’s all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let’s get to Ch 59 without any further meandering, shall we? Why is Zack Zero back and oro does he want with Suba Marina Oki? Can Mandy keep her big mouth shut? A hint re the titles- Aw do ya expect me to spoil it for ya? Oro does this all mean? We’ll find out momentarily gang. The Boss Red Marshall’s on the warpath again! Here ’tis:-
'Monsters On the Angel?' or 'RAVEing Lunatics?'
"Sorry I asked!" said a visibly shaken Hugh who now busied himself testing his brakes. Rebecca took a quick pull from her 'medicinal' flask.
"Wanna trade places, Ivy?" she whispered but the Dark Knight shook his head.
"Sorry but I feel safer with a man of God than I would with a blasphemer, Rebecca dear." he replied and Becky smiled ruefully.
"Well we did say we wanted to help out so I guess I will just grin and bear it. Good luck, Lord Ivy." said the shaken redhead.
"May God protect us." replied Ivy solemnly.
"Don't you go starting up now, milord. One preacher's quite enough." chortled Hugh.
"How does the road look up ahead, Lord Drew?" trilled Rebecca after they had rumbled on a few hundred more metres.
"I dunno." was his reply.
"Then find out you idiot! I don't wanna become part of this tunnel's wallpaper down here dammit!" trilled the Polar Bear angrily.
"All clear ahead, Hugh. I'm sending you a picture." trilled Drew.
"Got it, Lord Drew. Keep a wary aizu (eye) out for trouble. Thanks." trilled Rebecca.
Meanwhile Eric and Bear were engaged in a heated discussion over who should drive the reverse rig while the hanyou and the youkai looked on worriedly.
"I insist, Bear. I will go backwards." said Eric.
"No no, Eric. I insist that you lead us." replied Bear.
"I don't like riding in that beast at all but I sure as Hell don't wanna ride up that hole backwards!" howled InuYasha.
"You dumb mutt! Whassa matter? Little mongrel got claustrophobia or are you just plain scared?" needled Kouga.
"I'll show you who's scared ya mangy wolf!" shouted the big hanyou angrily.
After Jon Raven had separated the two combatants he whirled on the truckers.
"Will you two make up your shimatta (damned) minds already! Hugh and the minister are gonna be at the first kilo marker soon. Maybe it will be best that the old one leads and the younger one follows. Do it and that's an order, boyos!" snarled an impatient 'ISSP' crew chief. Rick and Ichigo's sled had left ten minutes ago. Finally Bear and the hanyou left carefully followed by Eric and the wolf.
"How do you like riding backwards, ya mangy wolf?" chuckled InuYasha.
"It's a little bit like that train ride we took on 'Kagura', Mutt. Not too bad once ya get used to it." trilled Kouga.
"That was a damned roller coaster, stupid!" said Ichigo. "Rick's sick again, Bear so I'm sending you a strip. Looks peaceful enough ahead- so far. Boy am I glad that we only got a few more miles left to go. This cave is really spooky." added the soul reaper teenager. Unlike the demonic trio Rick DID have claustrophobia and it was getting worse. Ichigo glanced over and grinned.
"Only a few more miles and we'll be topside. Hang in there, Rick. Take deep breaths, keep calm and for Heaven's sake use those damned barf bags! I just had this skysled cleaned for Christ's sake!" yelled Kurosaki.
"Sorry Ikki but closed in places really make me sick." replied Rick.
"It's Icchi Rick not Ikki. Just take it easy and you'll be fine." said Ichigo.
Two rockslides and three near cave-ins later Hugh and Alex arrived on the surface preceded by Drew and Naraku's team. Alex had been holding an impromptu prayer session until Moran politely told them to back off so the Titan-sized Gundam could be unloaded. All went well and soon 'pattern enhancers' (transporter markers) ringed all hands as well as both rigs, the skysled and the first of the Double O Riser Gundams. He turned to Rebecca and saluted.
"We'll have Lt Ari beam your group up first, ma'am. That is after your second group gets here." explained Moran who had been sent up ahead of the convoy by skycycle so Raven's exec could oversee their arrivals. Moran's 'KASP' patrol team was busy handing out repped food and beverages to the grateful truckers, their guards and their escorts. Moran picked up the vidmike from his skycycle.
"Lt Ari? Moran here. First shipment here and prepped for pickup. I'll advise you when the second one arrives so stand by. I'm sending up the Gundam groups one at a time. Over." trilled Lt Sebastian Moran, a direct descendant of Professor James Moriarty's infamous sidekick Colonel Sebastian Moran. Raven's 'borrowed truck push' Lt James Moriarty was likewise a direct descendant of the dastardly Professor James Moriarty, the 'Napoleon of Crime' as Sherlock Holmes once described him.
However, neither lieutenant was in any way like his namesake ancestour thank Kami (God).
"Roger that and willco. Ari out." trilled the Terran actress who was currently serving as the 'Angel's transporter officer.
"Roger. Moran out." trilled the exec. "Moran to Chief Raven. First package received and addressed. Awaiting second parcel. Over." he trilled.
"Good work, Seb. Advise me when you are ready to execute transfer of both parcels. Raven out." trilled his superior.
"Roger willco, sir. Moran out." trilled his young lieutenant.
"Steep upgrade ahead. It should be visible on your vidscreen, Bear." trilled Rick who had finally recovered enough to return to his scanning duties.
"Yeah pal we see it. Thanks." trilled InuYasha. "Hey old man! Rick says we got a little hill up ahead." he said to Bear who frowned.
"Respect your elders, Dog Boy! Trill Eric and Wolfie and tell 'em about the hill. Tell Eric to drop his gears down to five on my mark. Got all that?" said Bear and the big hanyou nodded.
"Yeah. OK. Hey animal! We got a hill coming up. Tell the ladies' man beside ya to drop his gears down to five on the old man's mark. OK?" trilled InuYasha. A few seconds passed.
"Yeah, I just told him, Dog Breath. He said to have Bear tell you, you tell me and I'll tell him. Does your puny canine brain comprehend all that stuff, Mutt?" trilled Kouga.
"Stop screwing around on the comm relay you guys! That 'little hill' is 'Dead Man's Leap' and its one Helluva lot steeper than it damned well looks! At the top it drops off by forty degrees to a slick downhill slope. Hugh almost fishtailed there so be careful and keep the chatter down. That's an order, demons. Moran out." trilled the exec.
"Roger that, sir. I believe they both heard you. Kurosaki out." trilled Ichigo.
"Ready? Three, two, one, mark." relayed InuYasha to Kouga to Eric. At that same exact instant both Eric and Bear dropped into fifth gear and climbed slowly to the top of the 'leap' where each trucker downshifted to the lowest gear on their gear boxes. Feathering their brakes and intoning prayers like monks they both reached the 'leap's foot safely. An hour later they merged into waning daylight preceded by Rick and Ichigo's sled. Soon the second parcel was all ready to go.
"Moran to Chief Raven. All systems go, sir. Ready to execute. Over." relayed Lt Moran to John Raven.
"Well done. Proceed with mission. Relay me when completed. Raven out." trilled Raven.
"Roger willco, sir. Moran out." trilled his exec.
"Lt Moran to Lt Ari. You have the first set of coordinates, correct? Excellent. Beam them up, ma'am. Over." trilled Seb Moran.
Hugh, Alex, the 'Dark Knight', Rebecca, Naraku and Drew vanished along with their cargo, rigs and skysled.
"Success, Lieutenant. Got 'em. All safe and sound. God almighty! That thing is huge! You sure there's nobody inside of it, sir? Yeah? OK I'm ready for the other one whenever you are. Over." trilled Ari.
"Well done, Love. You have received the second set of coordinates, ma'am? Good. Energize. Over." trilled Moran once again.
"Second set received and contained. Man are these things eery! Sorry Seb but I'm placing a Level Ten force field beam around both of those monsters. Got a message for you. Please advise Commander Raven and his adjutant as well as all your men are cordially invited to dinner aboard the 'Angel' at 1900 hours, seven o'clock this evening, Lt Moran. Over." trilled Ari.
"Roger that, Ari. See you at seven. Moran out." trilled the young 'KASP' officer.
"Moran to Chief Raven. Mission accomplished, sir. We are invited to dinner aboard ship at seven and I think we'd better be there, John. Maybe we'll find out oro (what) Reds is up to next. Over." trilled Moran.
"I think you may be right, Seb. Better post a guard at that tunnel entrance although by now Dooku and Thrawn have probably written off both this place and those two Leviathans as a lost cause and conceded them to us. I'll have Jimmy (Lt Moriarty) gather the troops down here and get them aboard the 'Angel' by seven. You do the same with your men topside and I'll meet you in Reds' rec room bar at seven. Raven out." trilled the 'ISSP Ganymede' commander.
"Roger willco, John. Moran out." trilled the 'KASP' lieutenant.
Accordingly ay 1900 John, Sebastian and James along with most of their 'ISSP' and 'KASP' sappers and officers were seated in the rec room at the massive bar aboard the 'Lovely Angel 2'.
"No doubt about it, lads. This has got to be the best stocked tavern in the cosmos and Reds always has the very best liquors to boot." announced John Raven.
"Amen! I'll drink to that!" agreed a hulking seven and a half feet tall dragon sporting grey 'railroad tracks' (captain's bars) on his shoulders. Captain Leth D'Greele had been picked up by the 'Angel' several days ago when he'd been discovered on a tiny asteroid accompanied by an ash blonde teenaged boy named Haru Glory, a feisty red-headed girl named Elie who appeared to be slightly younger, a twenty-something dark-haired youth named Musicaa, a roly poly frog-like thing named Ruby, a chicken roquette-shaped greyish thing named Griff, a white carrot-like nosed 'dog' named Pluu and a huge giant of indeterminate age who kept shouting about 'shadow stones' and revenge. In Jon Harlock's opinion they had all just escaped from the 'Arkham Asylum' looney bin on 'Quorostan Ten'! Fortunately as it turned out most of them were heroes on their own world and pretty damned good fighters except for the whiny frog, the grey coward and the sleepy dog.
However, with the sole exception of the 'shadow stones' lunatic who was confined to a brig belowdecks all of them were billeted together. When Jon and Emma had interrogated the thing in the brig they were both certain that he was definitely from 'Arkham'.
"I am the 'Shadow Master' and I will destroy the Universe! You cannot keep me here! No prison can hold me! I am omnipotent! I shall seek out the 'Memories of the Stars' which will point the way to the hidden 'Shadow Stones' and when I possess them I will use the 'Ultimate Shadow Stone' to release their 'dark bring' forces and I wiull rule the Universes!" bellowed the Titan.
"His head is bewitched, lassie." said Jon and he shook his head. "Poor laddie." he added.
"He's a whack-o that's for sure. He's as nutty as a fruitcake, Uncle Jon." agreed 'Queen' Emma Emeraldas, Jon's niece. A disturbance in the rec room snapped Raven awake.
"Please! Allow me to put him out of his misery, sir! Please!" begged Leth D'Greele. Yuri shook her head and looked around for assistance.
"No way! When we can send you guys back home that thing belowdecks goes back with you. Until that time he stays confined to the brig. He is clearly insane, poor guy." said Wing Commander Donovan firmly.
"He ain't the only one, vacuumhead. Wait'll you hear the load of Jacarondan crapola that 'Whitey' (Haru) and that screwloose redhead (Elie) just laid on me! He's a 'Rave Master' whatever the Hell that is and she's their world and the universes' only hope of survival! The 'sane' one with the silver lasso (Musicaa) agreed with 'em! Those pets of theirs are baka (crazy) too! The sooner we get rid of these looney tunes the better I'll like it dammit! (Kei spun to confront D'Greele) Now you get back to your quarters, dragon! That thing downstairs is under 3WA jurisdiction ever since it came aboard and as ranking 'UG' officer that means me! (The Boss pointed to her own chest) You try to 'ice' him and you'll answer to me! I will arrest you and I will put you in jail- in another brig! Savvy? Now get the FXXX outta here!" snarled the Red Admiral menacingly.
Instead of doing the intelligent thing and simply obeying her Captain Leth D'Greele of the 'Symphonian Dragoon Guards' drew himself up to his full height and glowered down at Keirran O'Halloran with fire in his red aizu (eyes). "I am Leth D'Greele, a captain in the 'Symphonian Dragoon Guards' while YOU are a mere female- a foolish girl! Begone from here at once lest I report your callous impudence to this ship's commanding officer!" roared Leth.
The Boss was of course livid with rage and soon her face's colour matched that of her fiery crimson locks. They contrasted quite nicely with her intense emerald green orbs. Poor Leth was still pointing out his 'railroad tracks' on his epauletted shoulders when Kei's right boot thonked into his midsection. Slowly Captain Leth D'Greele crumpled to the deck floor.
END of Ch 59. Ch 60 'A Kindred Soul' or 'Unexpected Instructors ' soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine’s gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter’s titles. Let me know if I got ‘em right eh?
Hope ya had a happy and safe Guy Fawkes' Day! Happy Thanksgiving. Dunno if the Japanese even celebrate it but Naruto does.
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
See ya next blog post. Toodles-K&K
This chapter brings me up to date. Then I have to wind up this one and think about my next one folks- K&K
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