Meet Maya- Don Poporo's replacement as the Flash Angels' new chief at Unit 237 of the 3WA.
Boy did she ever get a shock! Enjoy the chappie folks- K&K
AW Ch 53 ‘Charlie's Secret’ or ‘The Angels and Kome Get A New Toy’
Wow! Kei's been injured and now that worst of all combat weapons may be in Zorin's hands- Gundams! Almost as terrifying as the 'God Guns' or the Angels' new toy- the r-- whoops! I almost let the neko outta the sack folks! This chapter will put two close tomos at loggerheads with each other and nai it ain't Vacuumhead and Firebrand either! A pickpocketing passenger will end up saving the day for the Angels and- Kami! I have said too much. Read on loyal and faithful followers of the word:-
ANGEL WINGSDISCLAIMER: OK ‘Jon’ darlin’, it’s all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let’s get to Ch 53 without any further meandering, shall we? Why is Zack Zero back and oro does he want with Suba Marina Oki? Can Mandy keep her big mouth shut? A hint re the titles- Aw do ya expect me to spoil it for ya? Oro does this all mean? We’ll find out momentarily gang. The Boss Red Marshall’s on the warpath again! Here ’tis:-
CHAPTER 53‘Charlie's Secret’ or ‘The Angels and Kome Get A New Toy’
"Of course I know that four of those blasted things almost annihilated Terra a century ago or two! Don't ya think that I took History 101 in school too? Sorry, Gene. That last remarked was uncalled for. It's just that I am so upset and-- It's not really all that bad I guess. He's only got two of 'em, gang." replied Territorial Sector Chief Charles Augustus Garner.
"So he's only got enough firepower to vaporize a couple of moons then, Charlie?" observed the blonde navvie now acting commander.
"Well, I wouldn't quite put it that way, Brig but hai (yeah) you're right. It is a bit more dismal than I was letting on to you." admitted Charlie.
"You don't want for us to use 'IT' on them things now, do ya, Charlie?" howled a distraught Solo.
He meant of course the dreaded 'God Guns' aboard the 'LA2'. Garner dropped his java cup and swore.
"Jigoku nai! Hell no, pirate! However, there is uh another prototype weapon aboard that none of you fine folks know anything about." said a mysterious chief. He hesitated.
"Well? Oro the Fxxx is this miracle toy, me old boyo? Gomen (Sorry), sir." cried the Brigadier pounding a gloved fist on the console.
"It's a-a 'railgun', Marlene. Deirdre and Bridget (Kei and Yuri) have used one of them before. About five years ago it was if memory serves." replied Garner. Jon Harlock pursed his lips in thought.
"I recall some mission that Lee Chan (another 3WA agent) was involved in with the two brats about that time. Something involving a floating casino in deep space. It seems the two fire hazards use a 'railgun' and managed to blast the place to smithereenies and nuke half of an adjacent space colony into the bargain! By any chance is that the mission to which ye were referring, Charles?" demanded Jon. Garner nodded.
"Where ya got the artillery stashed, Chuck?" drawled Solo.
"It's between Decks Nine and Sub-Five, Han." he answered softly. If he was correct and Garner never joked it would make the 'railgun' twice the length of the 'God Gun'- over a kilo and a half or a good mile at least! This thought had apparently just occurred to Harlock.
"That be the length of the ship itself, laddie!" he roared and Garner nodded while he poured more java.
"The tandem of 'air purifier' ports beneath the forward portal vidcams are the gunport covers and that 'extra' pair of exhaust ports at the base of Sub-Five must be the back blast retrojets. Right Garner?" asked Starwind. Again Garner nodded and ignited a cigar.
"You are correct, Captain. The firing controls are right there- beneath the Brig's boots. (Mar's booted feet crashed to the deck floor) Didn't any of you ever wonder why that extra row of console keys was there? The extreme left and right keys with the asterisks on them are the guns' triggers. There are two 'railguns' well think of 'em like a super long ancient Terran shotgun- two barrels side by side. The remaining keys marked with 'x's are the extra shells. The first eight are pre-loaded, four per gun. Another shell reloads each time one of those keys is punched. Altogether you have a sum total of forty rounds. That of course includes the first salvo of eight. Those 'wheels' on either side of the console housing control the windage. Elevation is of course controlled by the pilot. After all the ship's nose is the target aiming indicator. Now onegai (please) activate Vidscreen number eighteen for me." explained Garner.
"Can't. Eighteen's outta order, Chuck." replied Solo.
"Turn it on all the same, pirate. I think you'll be surprised." chortled Garner.Han did so and there was a slight whirring sound from the console as a concealed vidscreen rose out of the back of the console. It showed a vidmap starchart of the immediate cosmos. Superimposed upon it were two light aoishi (blue) lines, one horizontal and one vertical. Where they converged was the silhouette of a 'Canadian bull' target.
"Holy shit!" yelled Gene who had been leaning against the back of Mar's console.
"You just sight in your targets, relay commands to the bridge, lock onto your targets and fire. Their range is 200 K kilos (200,000 kilometres or a Helluva lotta miles) and the back blast is a full fifty K so make damned sure you have a clear field of fire both fore and aft or you just might vaporize a moon or two." warned Garner.
"Who's our gunner, sir?" asked Mar.
"Anyone you designate as gunner, Brig. The operation of the guns is so simple even an ancient Terran caveman could do it. It's so easy it's mere child's play to fire. (His face clouded) Do not let that young 'cowgirl'- Edward anywhere near those controls! Child's play? It- It- It was just a- a-" stammered the chief.
"Just an expression, sir? I know, Chief. Don't worry. She won't get her little fingers on those keys. Now where are we headed? 'Romulus' or 'Remus', sir?" asked the pert blonde.
"Neither one. Zorin's new HQ is on 'Olmec', a moon near 'Remus'. We do not believe that he has launched his Gundams yet so mybe a quick strike can put 'em out of commission. Your 'railguns' can fire while your ship is 'cloaked' and whie your shields are still up you know. I am hereby ordering you to leave now for 'Olmec', Brigadier. How long do you think it'll take you to get there, Mar?" asked the chief. Mar thought for a moment or two before replying.
"At Warp 45 I'd say three solar days and I do not recommend exceeding 45 either, sir. Our warp core is still a bit dodgy." she replied.
"Very well, Brigadier Angel. Three days it is. Make it so. Good luck and Kami bless, my dear child. Garner out." said Charlie and he blanked his vidscreen. Although Garner ranted and raved at them, yelled and screamed a lot and was usually gruff with them he thought of his Angels- all of them- as the daughters he had never had and although none of them would ever admit it the Angels thought of Garner, Gooley, Gutav, Poporo, Gazelle and even old Vito Galadriel as their fathers and grandfather.
Captain Kiva Eleanor Nerese of 'Starfleet' (CO of the 'USS Coriander' temporarily transferred to the 3WA) was not in a very good mood today. Her crew had been assigned to cleaning detail and that meant cleaning and maintaining all fourteen levels of this mile long starship. She became even more bad-temperedafter the Brig dropped a new bombshell on her. Mar had found the tall svelte captain sitting at the bar with duty roster vidlog in had. She was sipping a Capuccino Mocha and smoking a cheroot.
"We are going after what!" yelled the Bjorn officer throwing her vidlog on the bartop.
"You heard me, Kiva. Gundams. Zorin Oakenshield has Gundams on 'Olmec' and our job is to crippl them and capture the little megalomaniac despot." explained a very patient Marlene Angel.
"Shit! I've heard of those damned things, Blondie! They're like that Type 40 armoured fighting suit that Maxie Berringer used when he came after me and Rosa back home!" cried Don Poporo recalling his 'Ash Grey Avenger' adventure four years ago on 'Shimougou' with the 'Deadly Dynamic Duo' and John Berringer's ne'er do well brother. Rosa was Don's young daughter and Max had been determined to kill both Don and Rosa in revenge for Don's sending him up the river.
That little 'incident' resulted in the destruction of 3WA HQ in 'Furool (Foo-Lon) City' along with a good three-quarters of the city itself! He smiled when he recalled how he and the two fire hazards had tried to write letters of apology in an office where one entire wall was missing and the wind kept blowing everything helter skelter.
"According to 'Starfleet Command' not even 'Gurens', 'Nightmares' or even 'Launcelots' can stop those Leviathan behemoths, Colonel." advised Kiva. Mar glared at her. She didn't like to be reminded of that.
"It's Brigadier now, Captain and trust me we do have a weapon to use against them." snapped the blonde Terran from 'Earth II'.
"Where the Hell'd this lunatic get Gundams?" asked Revy Roberts.
"Probably from that old 'Celestial Beings Vegas Terror Group' if those nutcases are still around." suggested Lt Cmdr Naturle Badgiruel Edwards from the ready room's open doorway.
"You haf a couple of 'panzers' (tanks) aboard, ja?" asked Lt Cmdr Fritz von Dekker. The infamous 'Green Baron' (a direct descendant of the ancient Terrans' 'Red Bron' Manfred von Richthofen) was Emma 'Queen' Emeraldas's exec on the 'Emerald Queen'.
"Yeah we sure do Fritzie but we ain't using those toys are we, guys Not againt Fxxxing Gundams!" squealed a tallish strawbrry-blonde teen at the conference table.
"Nai Kome. We have 'railguns' aboard- two of the darned things." replied Wing Cmdr Yuri Donovan who had just arrived and took a seat beside Neko Olson.
"OK why wasn't I invited to this little shindig? With the Boss outta commission I'm in command- I'm the ship's exec!" she demanded angrily. Everyone grinned.
"Oro's so all fired frigging funny darn it?" she yelled.
"You are, Duchess. Ya look so doggone cute in your jammies and robe." chuckled Han.
"And that 'Paddington Bear' of yours- d'ya know that Flaysie's (Lt Flay Allster) got one just like it, ma'am?" giggled Lt Cagalli Yula Athna.
Belatedly Yuri realized that she'd dashed upstairs from her bedroom and hadn't bothered to change nor to drop 'Paddy'.
"Here." said Neko tossing her a 'morphing' bracelet. Yuri clamped it on her wrist and 'morphed' into uniform before laying 'Paddy' on the table.
"So? Why wasn't I informed of this meeting dammit?" demanded the violet-maned exec.
"Because the Boss put me in command- remember? And Mr Garner specifically asked for me, not you, ma'am. I called this 'think tank' session and I decided not to invite you, Wing Commander Donovan. Why? That answer should be obvious even to you. That casino in space 'railgun' disaster on 'Kurestan' that time four years ago? When you and that Amazon downstairs almost atomized an entire spacecolony. That's why you were not summoned, however, since you're here you can stay. Sit down and shut up, girl." replied the interim commander.
"But that darn mess wasn't MY fault! It was the dipstick's fault dammit all to Hell! She was the one that used the 'railgun' not me!" screeched Yuri standing up and leaning both palms on the table and facing Mar who stared back coolly.
"I said to sit down and shut up, Yuri. Another outburst like that and I'll have you relieved of duty and confined to quarters. Am I quite clear on that, Donovan? (Yuri sat back down and nodded) Good. Now answer something for me. How is it that you knew we had 'railguns' aboard even though Charlie said nobody aboard did?" asked Mar very quietly. Yuri smirked.
"Because it was on a need to know basis and the Boss and I needed to know, that's how. I AM the exec ya know. See? You don't know everything about the 'Angel' after all, do you, Brig?" snarled the vixen but Mar decided to ignore her this time.
"As I was saying- First I want this ship enroute to 'Olmec' with all possible speed stat. We have been authorized to exceed maximum warp all the way up to 45 if necessary. Second if we can find a shortcut we will use it. Third I want all other spacecraft aboard this vessel prepped, manned and ready for battle by the time we reach 'Olmec' in 72 solar hours. Fourth (Mar was ticking off items on her fingers) Nat, Flay, Cagalli, Kome and Neko are the 'railgun' crew with Kome as its lead gunner. You've got forty rounds in eight shot salvos, four to each gun per load. Now pay strict attention to this because I'm only going to show you guys how to use those things onc." said the blonde and she very carefully explained the operating details to her new 'railgun' crew.
Yuri scowled. She did not like to be dressed down at all.
"Oro do you want me to do, Brigadier, ma'am?" she asked in a saucy tone and Mar rounded on the exec.
"A very important job, Wing Commander. I want you down on the observation deck in the star room. Your task is to look for anything out of the ordinary. Anything that could possibly house weapons, ammo, gun implacements and-- Gundams." replied her interim leader.
"Ain't Rally scanning for that kind of crap already, Blondie?" yelled an incensed Yuri. Mar didn't rise to the bait.
"Yeah Donovan she is but Gundams can 'mask' their presences even if they cannot actually 'cloak' so I want visual as well as technical scans for this mission dammit! You got a problem with my orders, Wing Commander Donovan? (Yuri bit her tongue and shook her violet mane) Good. Dismissed." said Mar.
Yuri saluted, picked up her bear and left.
"Zoe? Nyssa? Nami? Have you found us any shortcuts yet?" demanded the tall blonde when she entered the nav room a few minutes later. The trio of 'navvies' shook their heads ruefully.
"Vincent? Anything on your scans?" asked Mar.
"Not a damned thing Cap. If those things are out there they must be 'masked', 'cloaked' or both." replied a perplexed Rally Vincent.
"Well keep at it 'Cat' and thanks." she said clapping the Terran on the back. Then she returned to the bridge.
"Gene you're piloting for the 'railgunners' so you'd best get some rest. Han can take over for you. Need a co-pilot, Solo?" she inquired but Han shook his head.
"OK then listen up everybody. Revy's handling communications and Jon's in charge of security. The two soul reapers have this shift's guard mount. Tell Jon that when he sets the 2200 (10 PM) shift to have someone wake up Donovan and send her ass up to the star room. She's already been briefed on oro she has to do there. Remind Jon that I want our 'railgun' crew fresh for ashita (tomorrow) so Nat, Flay, Cagalli, 'Pinkie' (Kome) and 'Kitty Kat' (Neko) are excused from guard duty on my orders until further notice. Villa is our new weapons officer and his bridge gunners are Kagome, Kouga, InuYasha, the 'Blonde Bomber' (Mae Hopkins aka 'Kitten') and Ayasha, Ayana or oroever the Hell her name is- Kouga's intended. ("It's Ayame, Cap!" yelled Rally from next door) Arigatou (Thanks) 'Cat'. (Mar turned to go and suddenly snapped her gloved fingers) Have someone find Odo (Ivanhoe and Rebecca's dwarf companion) and send him to my quarters stat. (Han raised his aizu(eye)brows inquisitively) I just got a scathingly brilliant idea (Kudos if you recall what flick that quote's from and who said it, tomos mine), Solo." smiled the blonde. Han chuckled.
"Another one of those, Princess? Roger that and willco, ma'am." drawled the ex-pirate and smuggler.
At 2000 hours (8 PM) there was a timid tap on Mar's portal.
"Come on in, Odo. Door's open." she called and the dwarf sidled in cap in hand.
"I ain't stoled nothing, Lady Marley! Honest! Somebody musta planted them watchie thingies, rigs, brooches, necklaces and all of that other joolry in my room, mum! I'm innocent! I truly is this time, mum!" the terrified Odo whined and whimpered. Mar smiled and pointed to the armchair.
"Calm down me old boyo. Nobody is accusing you of anything, Odo. Sit down. Please. I just need your help with something, that's all. You are not in any trouble, tomo watashi (very good friend). (Odo sat and accepted the repped goblet of mulled wine the blonde handed him) OK here is my question. During your er shall we say 'explorations' of the ship have you ever noticed any things like this aboard anywhere? (Mar indicated a holo of a metallic armoured fighting suit much like a knight such as Ivanhoe might wear) It's called a Type 40 mobile fighting combat suit. (Odo looked carefully and slowly shook his head) You're quite sure, tomo?" asked the blonde in a soft and kindly tone of voice. The dwarf continued shaking his head sadly.
"Sorry mum but in all me excursions I ain't never ever laid me two eyes on nothing like that thing, Your Ladyship." said Odo.
"Ye do believe me, Lady Marley, don't ya? I'm tellin' you the truth! Honest!" he blubbered throwing himself to his knees on the floor in front of Mar.
"Of course I believe you, Odo. (She hugged him reassuringly like a mother might do to her son) OK then just do me a favour and keep your aizu (eyes) open for me. If you run across any of those things onegai (please) let me know. Right? More wine, my friend?" said Mar but Odo shook his head.
"No thankee very much, mum but I was supposed to meet Lady Rebecca for tea at eight and now I'm running late." he replied consulting one of the several wristchromos on his arm and then quickly pulling his sleeve back down over them. Mar nodded.
"Off you go then. Good night Odo and domo arigatou (thank you very much) for your assistance." she said.
He bent down and kissed her gloved hand which caused Mar to blush a bit. She couldn't help giggling at his old-fashioned ancient Terran chivalrous manners so she didn't notice when he slipped off her climbing bangles, 'morphing' bracelet, wristchromo, fanny pouch, gunbelt, trilling earring, laser sword hilt, Mark XII disruptor pistol and ammo packs, extra power pack clips, Mark III mini blaster, small ion cannons, belt, necklace and locket, wallet, vidcode keys, vid override codes, vidcell, PDO unit and lastly a vidfile folder marked 'Top Secret/Aizu Only/Gundam Experiments Circa AD 2041' and hastily and cleverly stowed away all his goodies in his many capacious pockets beneath his long grey cloak.
"Don't forget now Odo. We are all depending on you. I am depending on you, tomo." said Mar quietly but earnestly.
Odo tipped his cap and pulled his forelock while dropping to one knee.
"Don't you worry, Milady. You can always count on Odo." replied the dwarf and he saluted and departed.
Odo had made friends with one of Lord Falco's men, a sergeant-at-arms named Gerald Randolph who was a fellow ne'er do well like Odo. He and Odo liked to play 'skittles' (lawn bowling) up on the holodecks and met there quite often. As soon as he'd left Mar's digs he made a beeline for the lift and rode up to Level Eight. He keyed the 'archway' for Holodeck Room number four before entering 'Sherwood Forest' where Gerry was busily setting up the 'skittles' for a new game.
"Wanna play, Odo me friend?" asked Randolph but Odo shook his head and beckoned him to join him at one of the tables in the wooded glen.
"Wait'll ye see the haul I just made, Randy!" chortled Odo and his pal sat down with him while Odo dumped his booty out and spread it across the table.
END of Ch 53. Ch 54 'Honour Amongst Thieves' or 'The Dwarf's Discovery' soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine’s gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter’s titles. Let me know if I got ‘em right eh?
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
See ya next blog post. Toodles-K&K
This next one may be lengthy. Sorry.- K&K
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