From a distance does it not look like Rally 'Cat' Vincent (one half of the 'Gunsmith Cats' bounty hunting team from ancient Terran Chicago) is battling Medusa the Gorgon or one of her sisters? She seems to be not looking at her perp!
Actually she's facing down a roomful of thugs while trying to arrest one of them. A real gutsy gal is our 'Cat', that she is! That's an automatic pistol in her left hand for sure but her left ain't holding her ID! That's a bomb! Well it's really a harmless smoke grenade she 'borrowed' from her compadre Minnie Mae 'Kitten' 'Blonde Bomber' Hopkins but the perps dunno that, do they? It worked out OK or did it? 'GC' is only three episodes long and readily available so why not check it out for yourselves? Sorry but after all this time I seem to have forgotten this part.
I believe it happened sometime after the shall we say somewhat embarrassing late night incident that occurred to the poor hapless 'cowgirls' of Illinois. A pix? Well-- I have several but-- OK I'll put one at the very end of this post after Chapter 32- OK?
Meet poor unfortunate Donald 'Don' 'Mr Popo' Poporo the frenzied Unit Sector Cjief of Sector 237 He is one of the Angels' bosses as a rule but you couldn't prov that by him! The Angels hardly ever listen to him! However, he owes his life to both of them but especially to Kei who nuked Max Berringer who was trying to ice both him and his young daughter Rosa! Yuri rescued her. In the process of course Kei managed to annihilate half of 'Furool (Foo-Lon) City' including the 3WA HQ building which lost both its roof and half of its windward side. See 'DP Flash'/Act 3/Episode 6 'Ash Grey Avenge' for details on the windy epitaph!
Yup! You guessed right! Max was Johnny Berringer's brother which put him hot on the heels of our heroines in the first place of did Johnny Boy like his bro all that much to risk taking on the 3WA not to mention the Angels and Kei's Angelic wrath? Methinks not! Read about this brotherly duet in my 'Christmas with the DP' fanfiction.
DISCLAIMER: OK Zorin Oakenshield, it's all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let's get to Ch 32 without any further meandering, shall we? Did our Yuri Donovan really use Ralphie's F--- word? We'll find out why momentarily gang. Here 'tis:-
'PNO- Navigational Nightmares' or 'Nami Joins the 3WA'
Nami Richards got up from Gene's chair and grinned. "Sorry about that, sirs. I guess I'm gonna be your new 'navvie' after all, boys." she said a little sheepishly.
"Glad to hear ya say that, kid." croaked Yuri Donovan who'd been revived by Mugghi with liberal whiffs of 'amyl nitrite' (good old fshioned smelling salts folks) and now she was sitting in one of the gunner's chairs. She glanced around and frowned at Nami.
"Oro the Fxxxing Hell happened to you, Vacuumhed? Get hit by the 'Crow's Nest' (Hugh the 'Polar Bear's huge ancient Terran 'semi rig' truck) or something?" growled Kei when Yuri returned to their quarters a half hour later.
"Don't start on me, Dummy! I am not in the mood for your jokes! I er slipped in the shower, that's all that happened." replied Yuri who was a very poor liar.
"Uh huh. I hear ya, kiddo. So our Miss Nami didn't wanna be our new 'navvie', eh? (Yuri nodded ruefully and winced a couple of times as she was taking off her jacket) Ya want some 'Hydroxylein' for your headache? (The redhead tossed the vixen a vial of the pain killing capsulets) She did agree to do it though, didn't she? (Yuri swallowed four capsulets and washed them down with her beer. She slowly nodded. "Finally." she sighed) Didn't I tell ya she would, Airhead?" chortled an exultant Kei O'Halloran.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Hey Boss? Ya gonna tell everybody about our minor change in venues?" asked Yuri who had just doffed her sneakers and sweats and had flung herself full length on Kei's sofa. Her athletic socked feet were hanging over the end.
"I already told Emma ('Queen' Emeraldas was Jon Harlock's niece and captain in her own right. Her ship the 'Emerald Queen' was docked below decks) to post and upload the happy news to everyone's PDO. We should be getting some reactions right- about-- now." said Kei just as a loud tattooing began on the portals of the suite.
"One moment, onegai er please." called Kei sweetly. She glanced at her unclad exec on the couch. "Yuri, we have guests." she said and cleared her throat a few times.
"Huh? (Yuri suddenly became aware of her state of dishabeille and jumped up) Just a sec please." she replied and hurriedly pulled on her sweats and sneakers. She gave Kei the A-OK sign and smiled.
"Come. It's open." growled the redhead and the portal swihed aside. About thirty people and things piled into the room and started yakking at the same time.
"One at a frigging time dammit! Please! I have got a humongous bloody headache, dam er darn it!" grumbled Yuri. The Boss sped to her rescue.
"If ya wanna transfer to the 'Angel 1' tell Kome, if ya wanna go over to the 'Angel 3' tell Peri Brown and if ya just wanna stay aboard then duh! just say nothing or tell Flaysie and Cagalli if ya like! Now go the Fxxx down and have your din-dins and leave us in peace! Sayonara." said a bored to perdition Kei.
Yuri snapped her fingers after a quick glance at her wristchromo. She touched the edge of one of her comlink earrings. "Space Technician Blackfire? Commander Yuri Donovan here. Do me a favour will ya? Relieve Ensign Nami Richards for dinner? She's up in the nav room on Nine. You have your dinner yet? OK. Great. I owe ya one for this, Techie. Yuri out." trilled the exec.
"A big one dammit! Dynamo!! I gotta go and relieve 'Golden Gloves' Richards! You're in charge so don't let the Fxxxing core overheat! See ya in an hour or so!" yelled Blackfire. She detested using comlinks.
"Good riddance!" bellowed the gargantuan Leviathan Chief Engineer who was busily repairing the dilythium crystal converter assembly.
"Just key in the shimatta (damned) coordinates. That tells the space ship jockey which way to point the blasted ship, Richards. Any ass can do it, man." chuckled Blackfire of Tamaran. "Hi. I'm Space Tech Blackfire but just all me Black. I was sent up to relieve ya so go put on the ol' feed bag, kid." said the young tech and Nami smiled gratefully.
"Call me Nami. I'll be just as quick as I can, Black." she replied.
"Ya ain't gotta rush on my account. I ain't in any hurry to get back down to Hell anytime soon. (Nami stared at her like she'd escaped from Bellview State Hospital) That's oro (what) we call Engineering, Nami. Because it's so shimatta (damned) bloody hot down there all he time. Get going, girl. I am gonna be just fine up here." replied Black who was keying up the 'Anime Movie Station' from Mars. Nami slung her blazer across her shoulder and went down to dinner.
Lieutenants Trace and (Mrs) Nat Edwards were onboard now by order of the 'White Guardian of the Universes' so dinner was a real treat tonight. The meal was 'cooked' rather than 'repped'!
Nami wasn't really very hungry so she only had three helpings of everything!
Half of the 'Angel 2's passengers had opted to take either the 'Angel 1' or the 'Angel 3' straight back home. After all a slight side trip to 'Seto Kaiba' and another one to 'Paladin' were OK but not a merry jaunt halfway across the known Universe to that mysterious kingdom of the Time Lords- 'Gallifrey'! The 'Icy Six', however, seemed quite content to remain aboard here with all their new tomos (friends) as did most of the remaining 'old timers' like the Saiyaans, demons and elf hunters.
Nami Richards fully intended to go right back up to her nav room after dinner and crack those vidprograms again, however, instead of using the corridor door to exit the hall of dining she took a detour through the rec room where she stopped at the bar to watch a game of 'Blast Off' aka 'Count Down' betwixt Neko Olson and Boss Kei O'Halloran.
I did explain how this game worked in in my 'Christmas with the DP' fanfiction but for you 'newbies' it's a drinking game usually played (on Terra) using a mug of beer with a shotglass full of liquor dropped into it. Then ya just try to drink this mess down as quickly as possible and repeat it until somebody passes out. The survivour is declared the winner by default.
Neko coneded defeat after her tenth round and tottered off to her bunk with Jon Harlock's strong arm supporting the shapeshifting trill.
"Anyone else wanna play?" bellowed the 'Gaelic Nightmare' and then Nami made another mistake. This one was to prove quite costly to the young Terran pirate.
"Yeah, why not? I'll take on yer ass, Boss Lady." said Nami stubbing out her smoke.
"First one of ya to pass out loses. Ya can concede defeat and withdraw at any time." said Naraku who was this evening's BOD barkeep as he filled up two 'yard glasses' with the rich golden elixir of 'Jameson's Irish Whiskey' and two shotglasses with 'Aoishi (Blue) Romulan Ale'. He set one of each efore each player.
"Whoa there! Hold it! Oro's (What's) the Fxxxing stakes?" demanded Nami.
"We don't usually play for anything but the Hell of it, kid but OK, I'm game. Go ahead and name 'em." replied the redhead.
"If I win you get some other sucker to navigate this floating junkyard of yours. Agreed?" demanded Nami.
"Sure kid but if I win you will be joined to my crew for a solar year and of course that means attending the Academy when we get back home. Agreed?" said Kei impishly.
Nami reached for her glass but Naraku intercepted her hand.
Nami shook off his hand. "Shut the Hell up, Demon Guy! I know oro the Hell I'm doing dammit! I have 'never' lost either! Agreed, ma'am now let's go! Let's do it, man!" snapped an impatient Nami.
"Ready? Set? Go!" cried Naraku and the game was afoot!
"Hey 'CC'! Tell Mar we now have a 'navvie' for the 'Angel 2'- a 'P.N.O.'- 'Permanent Navigational Officer' at least for the next year anyway.
Next she tapped a note into her PDO: 'Note to Yuri. Onegai (Please) enroll Ensign Nami Richards into next class 'Takachiho Academy' and no going easy on her ass either. By my command- KDMO'SO'H, Marshall and Dean.'
She tamed her bellow to a roar. "Attention! Everyone be sure and get a good night's sleep. We are lifting off 'Workoh' at noon ashita (tomorrow) so if you are going home on either the 'Angel 1' or the 'Angel 3' make damned bloody sure that you're off this ship before then. G'Night all." announced Kei and she left for her bunk. Meanwhile-
A loud tattoo on their portal awakened Kagome Higurashi and Faye Valentine from a deep and luxurious slumber. "Do you three bakas (idiots) know oro (what) the Fxxx time it is? Oro (What) the Sam Hell do ya want at this unKamily (ungodly) hour, Rickster?" growled Faye.
"Sorry to disturb you so late, my lovely lady. We were asked to deliver Miss Richards to you." explained Eric the 'Ladies' Man'.
"Oro's (What's) wrong with her?" asked the 'cowgirl' suspiciously.
"She tried to outdrink 'Red Mar' (Red Marshall), the Boss Lady and she lost. Where do ya want her ass put?" grumbled Hugh the 'Polar Bear'.
Faye stepped aside. "Follow me, boyos. (She flung open the centre bedroom's door) Dump her ass on the bunk in there. We'll take it from here. Arigatou guys. See ya ashita er tomorrow. Yo! Kaggie! I'm in Nami's pad next door to ya! Get in here and help me with her!" said Faye. Hugh, Rick and Eric discreetly withdrew and made for their own rooms.
"Ka-Mi! Does she wear enough fuku (clothing) do ya think? There's the last of the upstairs crap- a chemise top. C'mon and help me get her pants off. There. Man, is she ever plastered! (Kagome was holding Nami's new pajamas) Fxxx those jammies, Kag! She can sleep in her undies! Just toss that coverlet and a blanket over her. Sweet dreams, Sleeping Beauty! C'mon Kaggie. Back to bed for us. G'night Kagome." said Faye before crawling into her own bunk.
Next morning at 0500 Mugghi gently trilled Nami that it was time to get up. Miss Richards snored away and slept on until 0600 when Faye and Kagome dumped a carafe of water on top of her head.
"I don't wanna go to school today, Mama." murmurred Nami in her sleep. Faye and Kagome exchanged glances and nodded. Kagome activated Nami's shower (super cold) and Faye carried the Terran girl into the bathroom and dumped her in the shower stall.
"Five, four, three, two, one and--" said the 'cowgirl'.
"Yowie!! What the Fxxx!!" came in a wild screech from the bathroom just before the door of the suite's living room crashed open.
"Which one of ya wants it first?!" yelled a sopping wet and very angry Nami! She balled up both fists and advanced on poor Kagome who was brewing java in the kitchenette. Faye looked up from the ship's 'holopape' she was pretending to read and giggled.
"You look like a drowned mermaid, Richards! Glad to see you're finally up! ("At last dammit!" filtered in from the kitchenette) OK Tro-Con Cadet Trainee- calm the Fxxx down! You ignored Mugghi's wakee wakee trills at 0500 and 0530 so at 0600 we dumped a carafe of water on ya. When that didn't work I threw your ass into a nice cool shower. ("Cool? It was Fxxxing frigid in there! Like those shimatta (damned) Arctic ice roads of Alex's!" howled Nami while Kagome wrapped a Turkish bath towel around her and tried to explain to her about the drying units in the bathroom's 'drying alcove' but Nami was livid with rage) As I was saying- 'Ensign'- it is now 0615 hours, a quarter past six and you, my dear girl, have exactly fifteen minutes to report to your nav post upstairs so you ain't got time to go to the hall for breakfast. I'll bring it up to you later. Right now, you'd better get a move on, Honey." said the svelte 'cowgirl' as she handed Nami a steaming mug of java.
Nami toweled off, went into her bedroom and put on fresh underwear and socks. Then she pulled out her 'pirate outfit' she'd been using for the last few days.
"Uh uh! The Boss wants you to wear your new 3WA Ensign's uniform and she wants you armed at all times! Congratulations. You're in the 'UG' now, kiddo!" chuckled Faye who was wearing a vermillion red pantsuit and a white turtleneck sweater. Kagome's ensemble was 3WA sweats.
"I'm a guest on this tub and I ain't used to getting up this shimatta (damned) early! Tro-con? Cadet? Trainee? Where the Hell did you two get the bright idea that I'm in the 'UG', 'Cowgirl'?" demanded Nami.
"Mugghi told us. You lost some damned bet to the Boss last night and now you're a 'UG'/3WA tro-con cadet trainee which of course makes you an Ensign- for the next year anyway. So get dressed, get your ass up to the bridge and I'll bring your breakfast up to you." said Faye reasonably.
Nami slammed the door of her bedroom and shouted at the top of her lungs.
"And if I don't? Oro (What) happens then?" shrieked the Terran wildcat pirate.
"Then I will come down there and personally drag your orange-maned ass up here myself, Ensign Oranamia Richards! Report to your post immediately if not sooner and that's a shimatta (damned) order, Terran!" shouted the Boss through the PA system's squawkbox speakers in the suite and Nami bristled with anger.
"Do ya spy on all your crewmen? Even the ones that don't wanna be part of your crew, Keirran?! I will come up there and I will kick your Fxxxing ass too! How dare you spy on me! And another thing 'Red Mar'- Just how in the bloody Hell do ya know my full name? I never told that to anyone on this rustbucket!" screamed Nami defiantly.
Suddenly there was an explosive roar!
END of Ch 32. Ch 33 soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine's gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter's titles. Let me know if I got 'em right eh?
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
DISCLAIMER: OK Zorin Oakenshield, it's all yours. First I wanna thank Mr T for the use of his Angels and stuff. Then I wanna thank everyone else who has been allowing us to use their creations here like Thom Beers for the use of his ice road truckers Hugh, Drew, Rick, Eric, Alex and Bear. I took the liberty of naming the 3WA academy in Furool City on Shimougou after Mr Haruka Takachiho in honour of his creations- the Angels. How was that, Yuri? Great, kiddo. Oh hai it sure was, Kei! Now since we left ya up in the air last time let's get to Ch 32 without any further meandering, shall we? Did our Yuri Donovan really use Ralphie's F--- word? We'll find out why momentarily gang. Here 'tis:-
'PNO- Navigational Nightmares' or 'Nami Joins the 3WA'
Nami Richards got up from Gene's chair and grinned. "Sorry about that, sirs. I guess I'm gonna be your new 'navvie' after all, boys." she said a little sheepishly.
"Glad to hear ya say that, kid." croaked Yuri Donovan who'd been revived by Mugghi with liberal whiffs of 'amyl nitrite' (good old fshioned smelling salts folks) and now she was sitting in one of the gunner's chairs. She glanced around and frowned at Nami.
"Ensign Nami Richards! If you would have done that to the Boss then by now you'd be missing a few teeth, young lady! Howeve, I am inclined to overlook it this time and we'll forget that this little incident ever even happened- this time- but if you ever raise your hand against a superior officer again while you are still aboard this ship you will find yourself in the frigging brig! Are we clear on that, Ensign?" said the Wing Commander menacingly. Nami bit her lip and nodded her orange head.
"Good. Your instructions on spce navigation have been uploaded to your PDO along with the nav star charts. First we'll be going to 'Seto Kaiba' then to 'Paladin' and finally to 'Gallifrey' all of which you sould find lited in the 'GC' or 'Galactic Compendium' which I've uploaded to your PDO as well. Now onegai (please) follow me into the nav room and I'll show you your new office." ordered the svelte exec.
"This is your very own station ad that is your very own console. It's set up and run practically the same as ancient Terran personal computers. You er 'do' know how to use one of those, don't you? (Nami nodded and then she sighed, removed her blazer and rolled up her turtleneck sweater's sleeves. She pushed her specs up onto her forehead and sat down with her PDO in front of her. Carefully she began to peruse the 'So You Want To Be A Space Navigator' and 'Spac Navving For Dummies' online manuals) I see you are beginning to get settled in so I'll leave you to get acclimated to your new duties. (Yuri prepared to leave and then turned back, leaned down to Nami and whispered into her ear) One more thing, Ensign Richards. (Nami glanced up at her superior) When we do liftoff ashita (tomorrow) I want you in a proper 3WA uniform and Boss Kei will expect you to be armed and you will remain armed at all times- both on duty and off duty. I'll have someone relieve you at 1700 hours (5 PM) so you can get your dinner. Now please try and stay out of trouble, OK? (Nami was concentrating on her vidscreens and merely nodded abstractedly) Then I guess I'll see you later at dinner, kid. Ja Ne (See ya later)." said Yuri and she left holding an ice holo pack against her swollen cheek and jaw.
"Oro the Fxxxing Hell happened to you, Vacuumhed? Get hit by the 'Crow's Nest' (Hugh the 'Polar Bear's huge ancient Terran 'semi rig' truck) or something?" growled Kei when Yuri returned to their quarters a half hour later.
"Don't start on me, Dummy! I am not in the mood for your jokes! I er slipped in the shower, that's all that happened." replied Yuri who was a very poor liar.
"Uh huh. I hear ya, kiddo. So our Miss Nami didn't wanna be our new 'navvie', eh? (Yuri nodded ruefully and winced a couple of times as she was taking off her jacket) Ya want some 'Hydroxylein' for your headache? (The redhead tossed the vixen a vial of the pain killing capsulets) She did agree to do it though, didn't she? (Yuri swallowed four capsulets and washed them down with her beer. She slowly nodded. "Finally." she sighed) Didn't I tell ya she would, Airhead?" chortled an exultant Kei O'Halloran.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Hey Boss? Ya gonna tell everybody about our minor change in venues?" asked Yuri who had just doffed her sneakers and sweats and had flung herself full length on Kei's sofa. Her athletic socked feet were hanging over the end.
"I already told Emma ('Queen' Emeraldas was Jon Harlock's niece and captain in her own right. Her ship the 'Emerald Queen' was docked below decks) to post and upload the happy news to everyone's PDO. We should be getting some reactions right- about-- now." said Kei just as a loud tattooing began on the portals of the suite.
"One moment, onegai er please." called Kei sweetly. She glanced at her unclad exec on the couch. "Yuri, we have guests." she said and cleared her throat a few times.
"Huh? (Yuri suddenly became aware of her state of dishabeille and jumped up) Just a sec please." she replied and hurriedly pulled on her sweats and sneakers. She gave Kei the A-OK sign and smiled.
"Come. It's open." growled the redhead and the portal swihed aside. About thirty people and things piled into the room and started yakking at the same time.
"One at a frigging time dammit! Please! I have got a humongous bloody headache, dam er darn it!" grumbled Yuri. The Boss sped to her rescue.
"If ya wanna transfer to the 'Angel 1' tell Kome, if ya wanna go over to the 'Angel 3' tell Peri Brown and if ya just wanna stay aboard then duh! just say nothing or tell Flaysie and Cagalli if ya like! Now go the Fxxx down and have your din-dins and leave us in peace! Sayonara." said a bored to perdition Kei.
She turned to her exec with a wan smile. "We could just have something sent up, kid?" (Yuri shook her head) Nope, you're right. Let's go down, face the music and get it all over and done with eh?" said the redhead resignedly and slowly got to her feet.
Yuri snapped her fingers after a quick glance at her wristchromo. She touched the edge of one of her comlink earrings. "Space Technician Blackfire? Commander Yuri Donovan here. Do me a favour will ya? Relieve Ensign Nami Richards for dinner? She's up in the nav room on Nine. You have your dinner yet? OK. Great. I owe ya one for this, Techie. Yuri out." trilled the exec.
"A big one dammit! Dynamo!! I gotta go and relieve 'Golden Gloves' Richards! You're in charge so don't let the Fxxxing core overheat! See ya in an hour or so!" yelled Blackfire. She detested using comlinks.
"Good riddance!" bellowed the gargantuan Leviathan Chief Engineer who was busily repairing the dilythium crystal converter assembly.
"Just key in the shimatta (damned) coordinates. That tells the space ship jockey which way to point the blasted ship, Richards. Any ass can do it, man." chuckled Blackfire of Tamaran. "Hi. I'm Space Tech Blackfire but just all me Black. I was sent up to relieve ya so go put on the ol' feed bag, kid." said the young tech and Nami smiled gratefully.
"Call me Nami. I'll be just as quick as I can, Black." she replied.
"Ya ain't gotta rush on my account. I ain't in any hurry to get back down to Hell anytime soon. (Nami stared at her like she'd escaped from Bellview State Hospital) That's oro (what) we call Engineering, Nami. Because it's so shimatta (damned) bloody hot down there all he time. Get going, girl. I am gonna be just fine up here." replied Black who was keying up the 'Anime Movie Station' from Mars. Nami slung her blazer across her shoulder and went down to dinner.
Lieutenants Trace and (Mrs) Nat Edwards were onboard now by order of the 'White Guardian of the Universes' so dinner was a real treat tonight. The meal was 'cooked' rather than 'repped'!
Because Trace was a first rate chef and was teaching his culinary talents to his newlywed spouse Nat (nee Naturle Badgiruel, a former Lieutenant in the 'Earth Alliance' in Cosmic Year 30 all of this being in an alternate timeline otherwise she, Flaysie Allster and Cagalli Yula Athna would never have been able to remain here in the 23rd Century in this space/time continuum) tonight's dinner menu consisted of Beef Stroganoff Royale, Potatoes de Galousie, Glazed Red Parsnips (from Delanorte Cortel XI), Capuccino or Latte and for dessert- Flaming Chocolate Creme Brulee Supreme!
Nami wasn't really very hungry so she only had three helpings of everything!
Half of the 'Angel 2's passengers had opted to take either the 'Angel 1' or the 'Angel 3' straight back home. After all a slight side trip to 'Seto Kaiba' and another one to 'Paladin' were OK but not a merry jaunt halfway across the known Universe to that mysterious kingdom of the Time Lords- 'Gallifrey'! The 'Icy Six', however, seemed quite content to remain aboard here with all their new tomos (friends) as did most of the remaining 'old timers' like the Saiyaans, demons and elf hunters.
Nami Richards fully intended to go right back up to her nav room after dinner and crack those vidprograms again, however, instead of using the corridor door to exit the hall of dining she took a detour through the rec room where she stopped at the bar to watch a game of 'Blast Off' aka 'Count Down' betwixt Neko Olson and Boss Kei O'Halloran.
I did explain how this game worked in in my 'Christmas with the DP' fanfiction but for you 'newbies' it's a drinking game usually played (on Terra) using a mug of beer with a shotglass full of liquor dropped into it. Then ya just try to drink this mess down as quickly as possible and repeat it until somebody passes out. The survivour is declared the winner by default.
However, in the 'Angels' versions the roles are reversed. The mug is filled with liquor and the shotglass with beer. Then you drop the beer in and away ya go.
But the 'Angelic' version on Kei's ship made one more minor change. Instead of beer they used a shotglass full of 'Aoishi' (Blue) Ale', a heady and potent drink from 'Romulus' and banned across half the Galaxy! The liquor (of course) was Irish Whiskey usually 'Jameson's, 'Old Bushmills' or 'Tullamore Dew'.
As all of us should know by now absolutely NOBODY can outdrink an 'Angel' except another 'Angel' unless of course that 'Angel' in question is Keirran Deirdre Maureen O'Shaughnessy O'Halloran!
Neko coneded defeat after her tenth round and tottered off to her bunk with Jon Harlock's strong arm supporting the shapeshifting trill.
"Anyone else wanna play?" bellowed the 'Gaelic Nightmare' and then Nami made another mistake. This one was to prove quite costly to the young Terran pirate.
"Yeah, why not? I'll take on yer ass, Boss Lady." said Nami stubbing out her smoke.
"First one of ya to pass out loses. Ya can concede defeat and withdraw at any time." said Naraku who was this evening's BOD barkeep as he filled up two 'yard glasses' with the rich golden elixir of 'Jameson's Irish Whiskey' and two shotglasses with 'Aoishi (Blue) Romulan Ale'. He set one of each efore each player.
"Ready? Set?--" began Narku.
"Whoa there! Hold it! Oro's (What's) the Fxxxing stakes?" demanded Nami.
"We don't usually play for anything but the Hell of it, kid but OK, I'm game. Go ahead and name 'em." replied the redhead.
"If I win you get some other sucker to navigate this floating junkyard of yours. Agreed?" demanded Nami.
"Sure kid but if I win you will be joined to my crew for a solar year and of course that means attending the Academy when we get back home. Agreed?" said Kei impishly.
Nami reached for her glass but Naraku intercepted her hand.
"Nami! Honey! Don't do it! Think about oro (what) you're agreeing to, you baka dummy! The Boss 'never' loses!" he advised.
Nami shook off his hand. "Shut the Hell up, Demon Guy! I know oro the Hell I'm doing dammit! I have 'never' lost either! Agreed, ma'am now let's go! Let's do it, man!" snapped an impatient Nami.
"Ready? Set? Go!" cried Naraku and the game was afoot!
Nami crashed backwards onto the deck after her third round so Naraku raised Kei's gloved fist in victory. Kei smiled maliciously.
"Hey 'CC'! Tell Mar we now have a 'navvie' for the 'Angel 2'- a 'P.N.O.'- 'Permanent Navigational Officer' at least for the next year anyway.
Marlene Angel is hereby promoted to the rank of Full Commander and she will henceforth command the 'Angel 3' on a permanent basis after the completion of this mission.
Hugh, Rick, Eric! See that the Ensign here gets back to her quarters. She has a busy yobi (day) ashita er tomorrow. (She trilled Mugghi)
I want a wake up call for Ensign Nami Richards at 0500 (5 AM). She's to report to her post armed and in uniform by 0630 hours (6:30 AM). Miss Richards has just joined the 'UG'and the 3WA for the next year whether she damned well likes it or not. As of now she is our brand new 'P.N.O.'- 'Permanent Navigational Officer'.
Try and outdrink me will she! I hope she likes 'Nakasome Towers' (Kei and Mar's domicile back in 'Furool (Foo-Lon) City' on 'Shimougou'. Yuri and Kome resided just across the esplanade from them in 'Krillin Estates') because she's moving in with me and Mar." trilled the redhead.
Next she tapped a note into her PDO: 'Note to Yuri. Onegai (Please) enroll Ensign Nami Richards into next class 'Takachiho Academy' and no going easy on her ass either. By my command- KDMO'SO'H, Marshall and Dean.'
She tamed her bellow to a roar. "Attention! Everyone be sure and get a good night's sleep. We are lifting off 'Workoh' at noon ashita (tomorrow) so if you are going home on either the 'Angel 1' or the 'Angel 3' make damned bloody sure that you're off this ship before then. G'Night all." announced Kei and she left for her bunk. Meanwhile-
A loud tattoo on their portal awakened Kagome Higurashi and Faye Valentine from a deep and luxurious slumber. "Do you three bakas (idiots) know oro (what) the Fxxx time it is? Oro (What) the Sam Hell do ya want at this unKamily (ungodly) hour, Rickster?" growled Faye.
"Sorry to disturb you so late, my lovely lady. We were asked to deliver Miss Richards to you." explained Eric the 'Ladies' Man'.
"Oro's (What's) wrong with her?" asked the 'cowgirl' suspiciously.
"She tried to outdrink 'Red Mar' (Red Marshall), the Boss Lady and she lost. Where do ya want her ass put?" grumbled Hugh the 'Polar Bear'.
Faye stepped aside. "Follow me, boyos. (She flung open the centre bedroom's door) Dump her ass on the bunk in there. We'll take it from here. Arigatou guys. See ya ashita er tomorrow. Yo! Kaggie! I'm in Nami's pad next door to ya! Get in here and help me with her!" said Faye. Hugh, Rick and Eric discreetly withdrew and made for their own rooms.
"Ka-Mi! Does she wear enough fuku (clothing) do ya think? There's the last of the upstairs crap- a chemise top. C'mon and help me get her pants off. There. Man, is she ever plastered! (Kagome was holding Nami's new pajamas) Fxxx those jammies, Kag! She can sleep in her undies! Just toss that coverlet and a blanket over her. Sweet dreams, Sleeping Beauty! C'mon Kaggie. Back to bed for us. G'night Kagome." said Faye before crawling into her own bunk.
Kagome yawned, called 'G'night Faye' and returned to her interrupted dream where InuYasha had just slain a dastardly dragon to rescue his lady fair- Kagome!
Next morning at 0500 Mugghi gently trilled Nami that it was time to get up. Miss Richards snored away and slept on until 0600 when Faye and Kagome dumped a carafe of water on top of her head.
"I don't wanna go to school today, Mama." murmurred Nami in her sleep. Faye and Kagome exchanged glances and nodded. Kagome activated Nami's shower (super cold) and Faye carried the Terran girl into the bathroom and dumped her in the shower stall.
"Five, four, three, two, one and--" said the 'cowgirl'.
"Yowie!! What the Fxxx!!" came in a wild screech from the bathroom just before the door of the suite's living room crashed open.
"Which one of ya wants it first?!" yelled a sopping wet and very angry Nami! She balled up both fists and advanced on poor Kagome who was brewing java in the kitchenette. Faye looked up from the ship's 'holopape' she was pretending to read and giggled.
"You look like a drowned mermaid, Richards! Glad to see you're finally up! ("At last dammit!" filtered in from the kitchenette) OK Tro-Con Cadet Trainee- calm the Fxxx down! You ignored Mugghi's wakee wakee trills at 0500 and 0530 so at 0600 we dumped a carafe of water on ya. When that didn't work I threw your ass into a nice cool shower. ("Cool? It was Fxxxing frigid in there! Like those shimatta (damned) Arctic ice roads of Alex's!" howled Nami while Kagome wrapped a Turkish bath towel around her and tried to explain to her about the drying units in the bathroom's 'drying alcove' but Nami was livid with rage) As I was saying- 'Ensign'- it is now 0615 hours, a quarter past six and you, my dear girl, have exactly fifteen minutes to report to your nav post upstairs so you ain't got time to go to the hall for breakfast. I'll bring it up to you later. Right now, you'd better get a move on, Honey." said the svelte 'cowgirl' as she handed Nami a steaming mug of java.
Nami toweled off, went into her bedroom and put on fresh underwear and socks. Then she pulled out her 'pirate outfit' she'd been using for the last few days.
"Uh uh! The Boss wants you to wear your new 3WA Ensign's uniform and she wants you armed at all times! Congratulations. You're in the 'UG' now, kiddo!" chuckled Faye who was wearing a vermillion red pantsuit and a white turtleneck sweater. Kagome's ensemble was 3WA sweats.
"I'm a guest on this tub and I ain't used to getting up this shimatta (damned) early! Tro-con? Cadet? Trainee? Where the Hell did you two get the bright idea that I'm in the 'UG', 'Cowgirl'?" demanded Nami.
"Mugghi told us. You lost some damned bet to the Boss last night and now you're a 'UG'/3WA tro-con cadet trainee which of course makes you an Ensign- for the next year anyway. So get dressed, get your ass up to the bridge and I'll bring your breakfast up to you." said Faye reasonably.
Nami slammed the door of her bedroom and shouted at the top of her lungs.
"And if I don't? Oro (What) happens then?" shrieked the Terran wildcat pirate.
"Then I will come down there and personally drag your orange-maned ass up here myself, Ensign Oranamia Richards! Report to your post immediately if not sooner and that's a shimatta (damned) order, Terran!" shouted the Boss through the PA system's squawkbox speakers in the suite and Nami bristled with anger.
"Do ya spy on all your crewmen? Even the ones that don't wanna be part of your crew, Keirran?! I will come up there and I will kick your Fxxxing ass too! How dare you spy on me! And another thing 'Red Mar'- Just how in the bloody Hell do ya know my full name? I never told that to anyone on this rustbucket!" screamed Nami defiantly.
She looked as cute as Hell standing on the top bunk in her bedroom staring up at the PA speaker mounted above the bunk. Nami was still wearing those fluorescent green 'Teddy Bear' micromini underbriefs and a black tank top!
Suddenly there was an explosive roar!
END of Ch 32. Ch 33 soon. Getting interesting eh? Wonder how our heroine's gonna get outta this one? Read on and r/r/s away as always. Have a wunnerful day and sfn/sys/jm/Kami bless you all for your interest and assistance. Hooble-toodle-doo! Toodles tomos watashi-K&K
I dickered over this chapter's titles. Let me know if I got 'em right eh?
PS- I really do appreciate all your loyalty and support over the years my tomos watashi all! And you can take that to the bank folks!-K&K
Finally here's 'Cat' and 'Blonde Bomber Kitten' in a rather humiliating predicament! Note their state of dishabeille and their accusing stares. They are in the huge living room of their own home in Chicago's Lakeshore district, have just foiled some nasty gun thieves and are facing down Bill from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms! They're mad as Hell at Bill and it ain't just because he's seen 'em in their unmentionables either! Why? Aw, that would be telling! Get the video and find out eh?
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